Мод jar лаки блок астральный 1.11 2

Lucky Block для Майнкрафт 1.11.2 – довольно необыкновенный мод. С помощью этого дополнения, вы сможете сыграть в своё «Колесо Фортуны». Мод Лаки Блок позволит вам крафтить один новый блок. Он называется «блок удачи». Есть три вида таких блоков. Обычный «Lucky Block », «Very Luck Block » - с этим видом блока, у вас возрастают шансы получить хорошие вещи, и «Unlucky Block » - он спаунит плохих и опасных мобов, динамит, и всё, что жаждет вас убить.

Крафтится он из семи золотых слитков и одного выбрасывателя. Это дополнение очень интересное и очень поможет вам в поиске разных вещей и руд. Ведь не всегда нам так хочется идти добывать ресурсы далеко от дома. Рекомендую каждому скачать мод на Лаки блок и испытать свою удачу!

Установка мода:
1. Скачайте Forge и мод Lucky Block;
2. Откройте файл forge с помощью java и установите его;
3. Нажмите "Win" + "К" ;
4. В появившееся окошко вставьте %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
5. Нажмите Enter;
6. В открывшуюся папку перенесите скаченный мод;
7. Готово!


Lucky Block Mod 1.12/1.11.2/1.10.2/1.9.4 fortune tester mod for Minecrafters. The mod will act like a Santa to provide an item which can be much needed at the point of time. It will add a single box in front of screen and there will be countless possibilities of items can be present in that box. It will be a pure test of luck.

This Mod can will provide endless possibilities of item range. Though you can get animals, monsters, structures along with some different surprises. Drom sticks to diamonds, bunnies to giants, the it will give you an exciting experience every time you harvest it.

Released Few Moments Ago:

Lucky Block Mod For Minecraft 1.12/1.11.2/1.10.2/1.9.4:

For Minecraft 1.12

Release Date: 27th June, 2017
Version V7.5.0
File Size: 224 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.12
Player In Distress
Download (Mod – Direct):

Download (Mod – Developer):

For Minecraft 1.11.2/1.11

Release Date: 2nd January, 2017
Version V7.4.0
File Size: 221 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.11.2/1.11
Player In Distress
Download (Mod – Direct):

For Minecraft 1.10.2

Release Date: 7th July, 2016
Version V7.3.0
File Size: 221 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.10.2
Player In Distress
Download (Mod – Direct):

For Minecraft 1.8.9

Release Date: 29th March, 2016
Version Combat Update 7.0.2
File Size: 236 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.8
Player In Distress
Download (Mod – Direct):

For Minecraft 1.8

Release Date: 19th March, 2016
Version Combat Update 7.0.1
File Size: 236 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.8
Player In Distress
Download (Mod – Direct):

For 1.7.10 (Direct): (File Size 178 KB)

For 1.7.10 (MCascending): Lucky_Block_v5-1-0.jar (File Size 178 KB)

Make sure for one thing that it is not always a handy tool for the player. It can cause destruction in the Minecraft world as well. Use the mod properly and according to your need.

Items: The expectations of items can start from some worthy gems and collectibles to useless stones and sticks.

Combinations: The combinations are the best part of Lucky Block. It will provide Stunning combinations of items, assorted to various themes. Redstone, brewing kits and more.

Entities: Please be careful with Various animals, creatures and deadly monsters. From bunnies to giants – and some surprises too.

Structures: The most promising things of all these will include Chests, forts temples and more, build with detail and perfection.

Traps: This is really fishy because you can get water, lava, anvils and other dangers lurk.

Surprises: The fun element is the surprise. You can expect the unexpected.

How to use Lucky Block Mod 1.12/1.11.2/1.10.2/1.9.4 for Minecraft

First you have to keep backup of Minecraft folder (in order to prevent the hassle from restoring corrupted files).
Secondly install the required version of or the latest one which is compatible with mod.
Thirdly download the mod file from above.
After that open Start Menu and type %appdata%/.minecraft
Now open mods folder and put the downloaded file into it.
Lastly Start Minecraft with forge profile and enjoy every second of playing your favorite game.

Note: If you find any broken link or finding it hard to download this mod then notify via comment section to rectify this error.

Similar Mods to Lucky Block:

With more than 5 dozen unique possibilities when breaking one of the namesake special blocks, the Lucky Block mod 1.12.2 is really the ultimate mod for Minecraft players who are ready and willing to take their lives into their own hands. The thing is, it’s not just a life or death situation when cracking open one of the lucky blocks. They can summon bosses like the Wither or the Enderdragon, which can then literally break apart and burn down the player’s world around them. Since you know now that there are results which are worse than just dying, do yourself a favor – backup your world before using this mod.

If you don’t, any of the completely random changes which may occur will end up being permanent. While backing up a world does take some of the fun and excitement out of using the Lucky Block mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 and 1.11.2 ; it also takes out all of the heartache and rage which comes with watching your highly developed world you spent weeks building up as it is destroyed around you. If you don’t want to back up a world, then don’t use an existing world – just make a new world for use with Lucky Block. And if you’re looking for some nail-biting tension, load up your favorite Minecraft world and give this mod a spin.

The best part about the Lucky Block mod is that is has something for everyone, except of course for those people who hate gambling; they really won’t enjoy this mod. If that sounds like you, there’s no reason to keep reading. Breaking a Lucky Block open can spawn useful items like tools, weapons, and armor, or resources the player can use for other purposes, or even create custom-made structures which simply appear standing wherever the block was when it was broken. These are just some of the numerous “good” results you can get from breaking the block.

Some of the “bad” results were already mentioned, but they aren’t all world-ending boss fights that break everything you’re built. The Lucky Block mod might just trap you in an obsidian box and start flooding it with lava after you break one of the blocks. It also might drop an anvil on your head from a short height – usually not enough to kill you if you’re wearing armor, but still something to be careful about. There just isn’t enough room to list all the possibilities here, but thankfully you can get a full list at the Lucky Block Mod website.

Lucky Block Mod for Minecraft Recipes List

How To Increasing or Decreasing Luck?

Outcomes List

  • Items
  • Combinations
  • Entities
  • Structures
  • Traps
  • Surprises

Installing Guide for Lucky Block Mod

  1. Make sure you have installed a version of .
  2. Download the mod and put the .jar file in the following location:
    • %appdata%\.minecraft\mods for Windows users
    • ~/.minecraft/mods for Linux users
    • ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods for Mac OS X users
  3. Run the game and have fun!

Download Lucky Block Mod

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